⛓ī¸Crypto & WEB 3.0?

How does crypto fit into Web 3.0?

Blockchain and crypto have great potential when it comes to Web 3.0. Decentralized networks successfully create incentives for more responsible ownership, management and content creation. Some of its most salient aspects to Web 3.0 include:

1. Digital Crypto Wallets - Anyone can create a wallet that allows transactions and acts as a digital identity. There is no need to store your data or create an account with a centralized service provider. You have full control of your wallet, and often the same wallet can be used on multiple blockchains.

2. Decentralization - Transparent spreading of information and power among a huge collection of people is simple with blockchain. This is the opposite of Web 2.0, where big tech giants dominate vast areas of our life on the web.

3. Digital economies - The ability to have data on the blockchain and use decentralized transactions creates new digital economies. Thanks to them, we can easily price and exchange goods, services and content online without having to provide banking or personal details. This openness helps improve access to financial services and enables users to start earning.

4. Interoperability - On-chain DApps and data are becoming more compatible. Blockchains built using Ethereum Virtual Machine can easily support each other's DApps, wallets, and tokens. This helps to increase the ubiquity needed to enjoy Connected Web 3.0

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